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The Best Abs Workout: The Only 7 Exercises You Need to Get a Six-Pack

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

The six-pack abs workout recipe is simple: Do abs training, eat a healthy diet and avoid late-night pizzas at the same time.

It is arguably the holy grail for men to be able to improve their performance and confidence when it is time to remove their shirts and show off those washboard abs.

Abs are not just there for looks

Your abs are truly superheroes in disguise! Not only do they help you look great, but they also play a major role when it comes to essential bodily functions – like coughing and sneezing.

Plus, your abs support the spine by helping with posture, keeping internal pressure consistent and of course protecting all those important organs that keep us running smoothly.

The Anatomy of Your Abs

You’ve got a veritable pentagon of power in your abdomen – two strong vertical pillars to hold up the three stacked flat muscles, positioned protectively along each side.

The two vertical muscles are:

  • Pyramidalis: Nestled delicately in your pelvis is a tiny triangular gem—the vertical muscle. This plucky little powerhouse works tirelessly, helping to keep everything nice and secure inside the abdomen!
  • Rectus abdominis: Your rectus abdominis is the foundation for a toned tummy – because it slinks from your ribs to your pelvis, keeping all of those internal organs in check. This muscle can provide you with an Instagram-worthy “six-pack” when properly exercised!

The three flat muscles are:

  • External obliques: The external obliques are the powerhouse of your core, helping you twist from side to side like an Olympic figure skater. They act as a bridge between those mighty rectus abdominis muscles and the sides of your body – so make sure they’re included in all that ab-busting action!
  • Internal obliques: Your internal obliques are like two secret agents, tucked away just inside your hip bones. Together with the external oblique muscles, they provide a covert mission: twisting and turning you into all sorts of fabulous shapes!
  • Transversus abdominis: The transversus abdominis is at the bottom of the stack. This pair of muscles is the deepest of the flat muscles. They stabilize the trunk and help maintain internal abdominal pressure

Let us get to it with some abs exercises

Before you think of doing any physical exercises, you need to exercise restraint. There is no point trying to get your ab muscles to show if you have layers of fat covering them.

If you have a strong core it benefits you in many ways. From protecting your back to simply helping you walk upright which results in a more confident you!

If, however, you want that flat six-pack on display you need to get rid of fat. Control what you eat and don’t put it on in the first place.

Managing your diet is just as important as exercise. If you put a gun to my head and forced me to pick which is more important I would probably say diet is more important…

My 7 favourite Abs Exercises

1. Hardstyle planks

hardstyle plank abs exercise

Equipment: Nothing.

How to: Assume the standard plank position, hands below your shoulders. Bend your elbows 90 degrees, and heels over your toes. Keep Your left leg and right leg straight.

Push upwards and pull shoulder blades in, to form a straight line from head to heels. Ensure your lower body is not sagging for this exercise to be effective.

Hold that 90-degree angle as long and strong as you can; remember to keep those abs tight and breathe in pace.

Training tips: Three reps minimum is recommended. Why not test out pushing backwards for additional upper abs resistance training benefits?

2. Hanging knees bent, raise & twist (focussing on lower abs)

hanging core abs exercise

Equipment: Pull-up bar or Vertical Knee Raise Machine

How to: Rep 12 on both sides, rest ten seconds in a dead hang position. Keep your legs and knees together. Look up, engage your core and lift your knees to either side in one movement. Slowly lower back to the starting position with your hanging leg.

Training tips: Continue in different directions whilst maintaining tension. Always return to the starting position first before lifting your knees again on the opposite side.

3. Obliques And Core Workouts

obliques and core side plank

Equipment: Nothing.

How to: Get into the side plank position so your body forms a triangle. You do this by placing one forearm down on the floor, flexing your ankles and stacking feet together for stability. Keep your body in a straight line and do not bend at the hips.

Then raise the left leg slightly off of the right while keeping the elbow behind the ear – as you keep balance draw the knee towards the left elbow for 10-12 reps then switch sides each round until completed. You will feel a tight burn in the lower abs.

Training tips: This is an easy-do-it-anywhere exercise.

4. Tuck and crunch abs workout (Focussing on Upper Abs)

tuck and crunch exercise

Equipment: Nothing.

How to: Rep x 15. Put your hands under your head and raise your knees at an angle to your body. Immediately raise your body and bring your knees to your chest.

Hold the fingers close to your temples and begin the exercise smoothly but do not twist your body. Don’t touch the floor with your head or legs between reps.

Training tips: Rest for 10 seconds lying on your back legs straight and your arms straight out above your head allowing you a full stretch in the starting position.

5. Dumbbell side bend

Equipment: Small mediumweight dumbbell.

How to: Stand up with your feet shoulder width and hold one dumbbell with your palm facing up towards the back. Make your upper body straight, keep the core engaged and bend to the side. Only at the waist. Keep one second below your range and then go on for one repetition. Do 2-4 reps in 1 set.

Tip: Be smart when picking a dumbbell. It shouldn’t feel too hard unless you use reasonable weights.

6. Barbell back squat ab workouts

Barbell back squat ab workouts

Equipment: Barbells, but there’s hardly any weight on this machine. So far.

How to: Take a bare bar from a lifting platform and place it evenly on the shoulders with your feet flat on the ground.

It targets the core, not the leg and therefore you should not be using as much weight to perform the squat. Keep your feet hip-width. Bring your hips back like you are sitting up and keep the knees bent in the most comfortable way.

Press down the heels and start a second rep on the ground. Do two sets of 12 reps.

Tip: Keep abs engaged throughout the movement.

7. Dead bug ab workouts

dead bug ab exercise

Equipment: A mat or comfortable floor space

How to: Get ready to strengthen your core with a quick and powerful exercise. Coil up like an inchworm by lying face-up on the mat, arms extended over the chest, hips and knees bent 90 degrees so that torso and thighs form a right angle.

Balance your lower back contact with the floor and engage those abdominal muscles – breathe in as you simultaneously extend your left arm behind your head and your right leg with your heel towards the ground for an even leg & arm extension.

Return to the starting position with your arms extended to the sky. Now alternate. Keep your left arm and right leg steady and slowly extend your right arm above your head and your left leg horizontally to the floor.

Tip: Reach out further each time to become stronger! Breathe in and out in concert with the movement and DO NOT go too fast. Keep it controlled.

Tell me the frequency.

The myth once arose that in an effort to increase strength in the abs it is essential that these muscles be rehabilitated. Increasingly people are saying abs workouts should be done every week, but the truth lies somewhere in between.

The average person should get 2 or 3 abs training a week, according to trainer Jonny Jacob. Consequently, breaking it down into two days for static, anti-rotation and dynamic moves is the best way.

Look beyond deadlifts

In this CrossFit and Strengthman age, deadlifting seems to be your best way to achieve ab strength. Not true.

A new analysis found press-up holds and plank hold holds are better for strengthening the core than the weights of deadlifts or squats.

While the weighted moves caused the most pressure on the back, the movement of weight was most effective on the rectus abdominis and the external obliques.

Nutrition Tips To Support Your Abs Workouts

It does not matter whether you want to have an ab workout or just want some healthy weight gain.

Eating healthy foods will help maintain optimum body weight as well as increase your muscle density, which in turn will increase your metabolism.

Make sure you get enough protein to support muscle growth!

Ab Exercises Benefits

Getting visible Abs muscles will only be the tip of the iceberg of core training. It is easy to have a defended midsection, and this benefit is a universal necessity for nearly everybody.

You’ll Hit Personal Bests

Do I reach the maximum training limit? Is the squat stuck? Deadlifting doesn’t work?

A strong midsection is a solid base for compound moves. As a result, engaging in ab exercises is important to get stronger and keep your back strong.

You’ll beat back pain with Ab Exercises

Low back injuries are the most common problem for many adults.

Those who had low back pain could be helped to relieve their symptoms by strengthening their lower abs with targeted ab exercises.

You can dominate at Your Sports

A strong core will give you more energy to transfer to the legs and allow you to get stronger, and push further.

Ab workouts are important because it helps makes athletes stronger for most of their speedy sports.

You’ll become more agile with Ab Exercises

A new study found that athletes completing 13 core movements at least three times a week helped them gain explosive strength and improve their agility significantly in eight weeks.

You’ll Have Better Balance

Deep core muscles help keep the body stable when a person moves. This translates to your training as well as your daily actions.

Your posture will improve with ab workouts

Fundamental training can make you stand straighter. The researchers found core training improved posture in volleyball players.

Frequently asked abdominal workout questions

How long should an ab circuit be?

If you’re looking for killer abs, forget spending hours isolated on those machines. All it takes is a few minutes of ab work at the end of your full-body workout. Moreover, don’t worry about making any big sacrifices either!

A simple diet tweak or lifestyle change might be all you need to see serious results that last through time.

Can I train abs every day?

Want a rock-solid core? Technically you can work your abs every day but don’t. Instead, up the efficiency with three weekly mini ab circuits after regular training.

As a result, it will give you defined results without risking bad posture or muscle imbalances!

Does the Tik Tok ab workout work?

NO. Of course, dancing has benefits and is better to do than just lying on the couch watching fitness videos.

However, if you are looking to find serious value in social media you need mental health counselling and not fitness tips.

The Takeaway

Firstly, stay away from takeaways if you want the best abs that show!

Secondly, focus on exercises that build core strength and be sure to perform them as mini circuits at least 3 times per week.

Thirdly, back to point number one. It is all about your diet if you want to show off a phenomenal midriff.

Lastly, there is no way to target fat loss in specific areas. Therefore, focus on being happy and healthy, the rest is a bonus!

Let me know your thoughts or if you have any questions, leave a comment below!

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